The Dementia Revolution is a year-long campaign delivered by Alzheimer's Research UK and Alzheimer's Society as Charity of the Year for the 2019 Virgin Money London Marathon. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of dementia, overthrow old attitudes and power groundbreaking dementia research.
By volunteering for the Dementia Revolution at the 2019 Virgin Money London Marathon you'll be part of high-energy squads that cheer on runners, helping to create a unique atmosphere for thousands of Dementia Revolution runners.
What will I be doing?
• Cheer, support and motivate Dementia Revolution runners at cheer points along the marathon route
• Wave flags, clap and use other materials provided to help make a real impact
• You'll be a friendly and approachable face of the Dementia Revolution campaign
• Engage with the general public promoting the Dementia Revolution
• Be active and 'on your feet' at cheer points throughout the shift
Why Get Involved?
• Enjoy a fantastic, community-spirited and fun day supporting a brilliant cause
• Be part of an international event soaking up the amazing atmosphere
Please contact for more details!